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How to be a Serial Kisser like Emran Hasmi?

When you think of Emraan Hashmi, it is almost impossible to not think about his reputation as the serial kisser of Bollywood. He has probably kissed every single female co-star he has ever worked with. This in itself makes him a true expert on the art of kissing.

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So, learn from this kissing connoisseur on how to excel at kissing the one you love and desire.

 Get your lips ready
  • Make sure your lips are smooth and moist, and if required then apply some light lip balm.  
  • Next, make sure your mouth is not stinking. Odour of onion, garlic, cigarettes, or anything else is not appealing to a girl. So, take care of your oral hygiene and keep a mouth freshener handy.

Captivate her eyes
Before he kisses his partner, Mr. Hashmi, always gives them a smouldering look. And he has done it in every single movie, so it has become his trademark and, yes it does work! Take a deep look into your lady’s eyes before you make the move. As eyes are the mirror to one’s soul, learn to say it with your eyes to, just like Emraan. 

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Lean towards her 

Emraan’s next move that guys must learn is a simple strategy to ensure that the kiss becomes truly memorable! It is the moment before the kiss where he hovers over the lady while staring into her eyes. It is very important to maintain eye contact and keep the lips from touching.

Be Slow and steady!

Almost every kiss of Mr. Hashmi starts of on a gentle note. It is almost always a gentle caress that incites passion. This is also a smart way to make the woman comfortable and more involved in the kiss. It will surely make you win her respect and trust.

Know when to stop

He always leaves his partners wanting more. Yes, he leaves his lover waiting and craving for more. This is a simple trick to not just increase her passion and get her heart racing, but also to make her feel comfortable in the moment. Guys, that is exactly how you should do things as well when you kiss your girl.

Go for more than one, at times!

You should learn how to plant subtle, soft kisses on other parts of her face as well, apart from just the lips.  You can kiss her forehead, her ear lobes or her nose too. Add a few small kisses here and there, before ending it with a nice and a soft one on the lips once again.

Now you know his kissing secrets, so use his tips to win over your lady love's heart with that one perfectly passionate kiss- just like he does!


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