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Top 10 Epic Bhojpuri Movie Posters

Spoken basically in Bihar, UP, Jharkhand and widely in Guyana, Suriname, Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad and Tobago, Bhojpuri is one of the most sarcastic language I have ever heard and I have always been a huge fan of Bhojpuri Language. You all must have heard Bhojpuri Language  and their unique styles, but when it comes to Movie titles, Actors, their Posing, Expressions on posters, and epic Dressing and Hair Style it really funny. Here are Top 10 Posters that will make you laugh hard.


Epic Love Story of Bihar

Hulk of Bihar

Item of Bihar

Biwi of Bihar

 Singham of Bihar

Item of Bihar

Dilwale Baba of Bihar

Challenge of Bihar

One of the Epic Posters of Bihar

Cheapest Sali of Bihar

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