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Fucking Contract

The parties hereto, the Fucker and the Fuckee, hereby agree to and accept the following terms.

1. The Fucker shall have the right to the minimum of one fuck in the position(s) of the fucker's choice not less than once per calendar month but no less often than once every 45 days.

a. The Fucker shall receive one additional fuck on the Fucker's birthday and on the Fuck couple's anniversary.
b. Should the Fuckee fail to provide said services (see paragraph 1) Fuckee will be obligated to provide said Fuck and one blow job during the next calendar month. Further delinquencies will result in the withholding of compensation until delinquencies are remedied.

2. The Fuckee shall receive at least one piece of jewelry per month from the Fucker. Said jewelry shall be appropriate for the Fuckee to wear and of adequate value and workmanship to compensate for such fucking as is done. Additional gifts or such substitutions as the Fuckee desires may be exchanged for additional fucks or blow jobs. Additional compensation may be rewarded for exceptional services.

3. Should the parties mutually agree to additional fucks, oral sex, orgasmic manipulation or other like sexual activities in addition to the contracted numbers negotiations may be held as to compensation. Preparing breakfast, doing extra household work or other such items of value may be considered compensation at times.

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