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Two computer genius happened to be very close friends.
One day, while sitting in a restaurant and having coffee, one friend asked the other..
"howz your relationship with that new G/f going"?
The other guy "i forgot to mention, yesterday she came to my house".
Friend: WOW!!! What happened then.. tell me the full story...
Man: Well.. i played her favorite music and we danced.
Friend: Then what happened..??
Man: Well.. as we were dancing together.. we kissed...
Friend: then what... keep going...
Man: Well.. i picked her up in my arms and placed her on the table.. next to my new laptop..
Friend: You got a New Lapotop.... When...???
Man: Just last week... my parents gifted me one...
Friend: Wow!! What configuration.. . ??
Man: 500GB harddisk, 8 GB ram.. 4.3GH processor... ........
Friend: Does it have an HDMI port?
Man: Yes
Friend: A blu-ray burner?
Man: Yes
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