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Don't start that shit agin

Little Johnny is in his closet when he hears a noise. 
His mom comes in and starts having sex with
someone other than his dad. He
hears a door slam and his mother
say "Oh no, my husband his
Quick! Hide in the closet." The
man get in the closet and Little
Johnny says "Dark in here isn't it?"
The man is startled but then calms
down. "Yes it is." "Do you want to
buy my baseball glove?" "No." "I
could go to my dad." "Fine. How
much? "200$" Fine.
This happens again later in the
week. "Dark in here isn't it?" "Yes,
yes it is." "Do you want to buy my
baseball bat?" "How much?"
"300$" A few days later his dad
wants to play ball with him and
tells him to go get his glove and
bat. "I can't. I sold them to my
friends." "For how much?" "500$"
"That is way too much. I am
taking you to church right now
for a confession. They get to the
church and little johnny gets in
the booth. "Dark in here, isn't it?"
The reverend says "Don't start
that shit agin. Your in MY closet
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