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Fashion Mistakes that Men Make

You do a lot of things to leave a good and lasting impression on women. You try to impress them with your smart conversations, gifts and romantic date ideas. But, there is one basic thing that you may forget to pay attention to- your fashion and style statement. What meets the eyes is as important as what hits the ears and heart. So, here are a few common fashion blunders that men make, which turn women off.

Ill-fitted Jeans
If women wear low-waist jeans it can be a huge turn on for men, but it has an opposite reaction if a guy chooses to don one. Low waist jeans can end up looking unnecessarily baggy. Moreover, men with disproportionate body figures should avoid wearing ill-fitted jeans. Also remember that jeans that go above your naval ring are simply out of fashion, especially with tugged in shirts. So, alter your jeans to save yourself these fashion mishaps. Be careful about the colour of your jeans and match them smartly with the colour of your shirt.

 T-Shirt Mistakes
Contrary to what men may believe, flaunting muscles through tight fitting tees is not a good way to charm a lady. While you may be trying to impress the girl but she is seeing you as an overconfident playboy. Choose your tees and shirts very carefully. It should not be too tight or too loose. Go with clothes that cleverly hide your problem areas. Also, silly and offensive lines on tees are as big a blunder as fake logos, so try to avoid them. Wear what looks good on you and suits your personality.

 Girly Pink
Most women love pink colour, but only on themselves. But seeing you in pink may not strike the right chord with them. Sporting a pink tee or casual shirt, pink mobile casing, pink watch or a mismatching pink tie is destined to make you sink. Well, many women associate this colour with femininity, so you might want to steer clear of any misrepresentations. So, if you have any pink in your wardrobe, it is best to hide it from your woman till the time you can style it smartly or she can be cool about seeing you in it.

 Unsuitable facial hair
For some, facial hair is a sign of masculinity. But, if you are going out on a date then be certain that it befits your face. Ill-maintained stubble, improperly designed French cut, unkempt chin curtain, blanket like goatee, and an irregular beard- are some major fashion blunders. Showcasing proper facial hair style is not an easy task. So, find out what suits you best. Do not try to follow others blindly. If nothing works then it is best to go for the clean shaven look. And hey, please keep those nose hair trimmed as well. No woman wants to see what grows inside your nostrils!

 Excessive hair styling
Using gel to get your hair into the desired style is acceptable, but emptying the whole bottle on your head is not! This is a rather common mistake which turns women off. When you are using gel, remember to keep it minimal and simple. Also, when it comes to exuding a style statement, men often add a particular ‘swag’ in their walk. This is basically their way to appear cool and stylish. If you are cool then let your attitude do the talking.
Source - BollywoodShaadies
Now you know the most common fashion mistakes that men make, which turn women off. So, let your natural style speak for itself!

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