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Microsoft`s vibrating displays

Smart-phones today  react to touch, shakes and even our voices, but phones of the future could respond  to these motions with touches of their own. Microsoft is working to develop a screens that  create a variety of different responsive sensations.

Examples include a clicking sensation when pressiing an onscreen button, and sensing the weight of folders as the`re dargged across a display.

Some of the sensations are basede on stimulating the skin, while other stimulate muscles  and recent reasearch also found such sensations can help people type faster.

Prototype tablet devices, including those developed by Microsoft and Fujitsu, use ultrasound vibrations to mimice a variety of textures. These vibrations change the friction between the finger and ther screen to trick the brain into thinking it`s plucking a harp, touching the skin of an alligator, and more. Other, similar technologies change the friction between the finger and the sreen using static electricity.

Disney Research developed a similar system in Octobor that  uses an algoritham for 2D touch-screens that modifies the friction between a user`s finger and the screen to add physical sensation to what a viewer is looking at.

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