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How to boost-up your Sex life?

Talking about sex is something that we avoid either because we feel uncomfortable or we don't feel the need to discuss. Not talking about what turns you on is one of the many problems that lead to a bad sex life. Here is a list of things that you need to stop doing in order to boost-up up the action between the sheets.

Taking the initiative: Yes, you are shy but taking the initiative every once in a while is a sure way to heat things up between the sheets.

Holding on to arguments: It’s difficult to let go of your emotional stress and just go ahead and do the deed. But at times just indulging in thoughtless sex helps clear the air and makes dealing with an argument easier.

Pleasuring yourself: Pleasuring yourself can actually help improve your libido which leads to a more active sex life.

Stop Being embarrassed: Share your fantasies with your man, tell him what turns you on and demand the right action. Hiding things and expecting him to know what should be done is just... stupid.

Spend Time:  Plan out some quality time with your partner instead of being too caught up in the daily routine.

Trying Something New:  Try new things to add some spice to your sex life. Morning sex, sex in the car... anything!

Stop saying no: Are you not in the mood? Well, desire increases during foreplay and you’ll find yourself feeling much more aroused.

Foreplay: It’s only natural to focus all your energies on reaching the big O, however the emphasis should also be on feeling good. Spend some time indulging in a massage session before you do the deed.


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