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5 Yoga Asanas to Reduce Hair Fall

The main reasons for hair loss are usually stress, hormonal disorders, bad eating habits, diseases, drugs,  using hair dyes, genetic disorders, smoking, etc.Practicing yoga and meditation to restrict hair-loss and will not only give you healthy hair, but also benefit your entire system — physically and mentally. In essence yoga helps enhance circulation of blood in the scalp, improve digestion and reduce anxiety and stress. Here are some asanas to beat hair loss.

Adho-Mukha Savasana

This asana provides good circulation to the head and is known to help relieve problems with the sinuses and the symptoms of the common cold as well, It also helps to relieve mental fatigue, depression and insomnia.


Apana refers to the prana or energy of you digestive tract that aids in purifying and eliminating toxins and also gives clarity to the mind and relieves constipation.


Also known as the diamond pose, this asana can be done immediately after eating your food, unlike other yoga poses. Vajrasana is known to not only help with digestion but also help relieve urinary disorders and aids in weight loss and reduces gas in the stomach.


Pavanmukhtasana or the wind-relieving asana helps reduces gas, and improves digestion. While doing this asana the muscles of lower back are strengthened and it reduces fat around the abdomen and buttocks.

Kapalbhati Pranayam

This pranayan helps your brain cells receive more oxygen, making it good for the nervous system. It also helps remove toxins from the body and beats obesity and diabetes.

Things to Remember

Along with doing yoga, looking after your diet is also important. Eating a balanced diet comprising of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, cereals and dairy products gives you nutrients important for hair growth.

Neem Water

Washing hair with neem water, keeping your hair clean by washing it 2 to 3 times a week, massaging hair with coconut oil, brushing hair regularly is very good for your hair growth.
