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8 Daily Yoga Asanas to stay Fit & Healthy

When it comes to having the perfect body, no workout technique is more effective than yoga. While it can be used to achieve good health, yoga can also aid in sculpting the abs perfectly. Here are some yoga postures by performing the suggested postures regularly, you will be able to have the physique you’ve always dreamed of.

Hand and Knees Balance

The following steps builds muscular mass, improves balance while building your abs at the same time.

Rest your body on all fours, with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your knees resting directly underneath your hips. Extend your right leg out and keep it straight on the floor. Lift your right leg to the same height as your hips. Keep them in the same alignment as before. Lift your left arm to the shoulder level and keep it outstretched. Balance your body weight on the right arm and left leg and keep your spine straight. Hold this position for 10 counts. Exhale as you return to your starting position. Rest for 5 counts and repeat the posture with the other leg.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana is great for building resistance in the abdominal muscles, along with strengthening the spine.

Rest your body on all fours, with your hands underneath your shoulders and knees aligned under the hips.Keep your hands and feet on the ground and push your hips outward, keeping your feet straight.
Balance your weight on the forearms and fingers and keep your head hung low. Balance your weight in such a way that the bulk is removed from the arms, thereby reducing muscular strain.
Keep your legs as straight as possible and your heels flat on the floor.Exhale as you relax your posture and gradually sink to your starting position. Rest for 5 counts and repeat.


Vashisthasana enhances resistance in the abdominal muscles and also improves the strength in the arms and shoulders.

Having assumed the Downward Facing Dog Pose, adjust your body weight such that your arms are directly below your shoulders. Lower your hips till your torso is in a straight line with the legs. Distribute the weight among your toes and hands such that you can comfortably rest in this position without straining your limbs.Keep your neck in the same line with the rest of your body and hold this position for 10 counts. Exhale and relax your posture gradually to lie on your stomach, on the mat.


Navasana is excellent in building abdominal core strengths and creating greater muscular resistance among the legs, hamstrings and spine.

Sit on the floor with your spine straight, your legs parted and outstretched in front of you.Gradually bring the legs up to a 45 degree angle keeping them straight at the joints, all the way.Let the torso fall back as you raise your legs, but take care not to bend your spine. The resultant position will be a ‘V’ shape.Stretch your arms out in a straight line in front of you, perfectly aligned with the shoulders.Balance your weight on your pelvic bones for as long as you can. Try your best not to let the assumed position collapse. Hold this posture for 10 counts, while you inhale and exhale at an optimum pace. Exhale as you gradually lower your hands and feet on the ground, letting your torso relax. Rest for 5 counts and repeat.

Ardha Chakrasana

Ardha Chakrasana is extremely helpful in completely stretching the abdominal and spinal muscles and can be performed as the great precursor to the Hand-to-Foot Pose.

Stand straight on the mat, with your arms extended above your head.While inhaling deeply, gradually bend backwards with your arms still outstretched and you fingers interlocked.As you feel the tension in your ribs, bend as far backwards as possible forming an arch with your spine.Hold this position for 5 counts and return to your starting position.Once you are back to your starting position, lower your arms and let your body relax. Rest for 10 counts and repeat.


Padahastasana renders spinal flexibility and muscular strength along with incredible abdominal toning.

Stand straight with your arms touching your ears and stretched outward.As you inhale, gradually lower your torso and hands, to touch your toes. Take care not to bend your feet or knees during this process. Keep your legs straight and distribute the body weight over the balls of your feet.Bend as low as you can, in your attempt to touch the toes. The ideal position would have your palm flat against the floor and your torso as low as possible.Lower your head as close to the knees as possible.Exhale as you release your muscular grip and gradually rise to your starting position. Lower your hands to the sides of your body and relax for 5 counts before you begin again. The key to master this posture is in holding the position for as long as you can. You can initially retain this position for a few counts and gradually work up the duration to a minute.

Locust Pose 

Lie down flat on your yoga mat, with your face facing down. Stretch out your legs and arms as far wide as possible. Keeping both arms and legs absolutely straight, lift the head, arms, chest and legs all at the same time. Maintain this position for a few seconds before slowly lowering all parts simultaneously. Repeat.

Bridge Pose

This pose is very helpful in burning the belly fat as well as building the muscles of the abdomen. Lie flat on your back on your yoga mat. Bend the knees and keep your feet apart from each other. Your arms should be straight by the side of your body. Now lift your torso off the ground, leaving your head, arms and feet planted right where they are. Maintain the position for a few seconds, before gradually lowering the body back on the mat. Repeat.
