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What is love?

 Recomanded Read :- Learn Romance from Reel Life Couples

Love Is…
  • Free. Love comes when it wants to. Nothing and nobody on this planet can make anyone fall in love with us. Love cannot be bought or sold. It’s free.
  • Self Love. The only way we can be ready to receive love is when there's an adequate amount of love within us. The first step towards attracting love is to love yourself. Self love isn’t selfish or only about pampering ourselves. It begins when we accept ourselves just the way we are.
  • Love is addictive. It is a high and all we do is hold on to the memory, the look, the connection. Our whole lives are spent searching for that happy high. But love is not a drug for the low times. Love is oxygen, all around us from the time before we were born and it will endure for a long time after we die. The first step in learning about love is becoming aware of the amount of love already in our lives. Think of the people who you love, who love you, the things you love and you’ll get an idea about the force of love.
Recomanded Read :- How to Build Trust in a Relationship

Love Is Not…

  • Trying to change or rescue the other person. The minute we believe the other person has to be a certain way, we’re asking for disappointment. All of us are perfect just the way we are. And love is acceptance.
  • Expectations. Expect too much and we only get hurt. Expect nothing and prepare for pleasant surprises.
  • Always the Same. Love changes, grows. People get closer or drift apart. Loving relationships require hard work and commitment from both parties. Loved ones will change over time.
  •  Predictable. We never know when we fall in love. And no one can tell us either. If it happens, we just know.




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