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A little boy and his grandfather are raking leaves in the yard. The little boy sees an earthworm trying to get back into its hole. He says, "Grandpa, I bet I can put that worm back in that hole." The grandfather replies, "I'll bet you five dollars you can't. It's too wiggly and limp to put back in that little hole." The little boy runs into the house...

Kissing a Wife on her fore head is respect, . . kissing a Wife on her cheek is care, . . kissing a Wife on her eyes is care & love, . . kissing a Wife on her lips is love, . . but kissing a Wife in front of her Husband? . HUD HUD DABANGG DABANGG DABA...

A newly Married Husband saved his Wife's number... on his mobile as... "My Life".. After one year of marriage he changed the number to "My Wife".. After 2 years of marriage he changed the number to "Home".. After 5 years of marriage he changed the number to "Hitler"..! ! After...

"Husband Super Store" -women could go to choose a husband from many men

It was laid out over five floors, with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascended. The only rule was, once you opened the door to any floor, you HAD to choose a man from that floor; if you went up a floor, you couldn't go back down except to leave the place, never to return. A couple of girlfriends went to theshopping center to find...

स्वर्ग में क्रिकेट है क्या?

संता और बंता काफी सालो से अच्छे दोस्त थे, और अब दोनों की उम्र अब लगभग 90 के आसपास हो चुकी थी। एक बार संता बहुत बीमार पड़ गया तो बंता उससे रोज मिलने के लिए आता और रोज वे अपने दोस्ती के किस्से दोहराते। गुज़रते वक़्त के साथ संता और बंता दोनों को ही अब लगभग यकीन हो चला था कि संता अब बस चंद दिनो का ही मेहमान है, तो एक दिन बंता ने संता से कहा, ''देखो जब...

Dear Deepika.. U went to Yuvraj, his form dropped. U went to Ranbir, his movie flopped. U went to Mallyas, their airline stopped. Plz join Congress.. & Save Ind...

INDIA ka kuch nahi ho sakta.. Yaaro Kyun ki yaha.. Budhhe DESH chala rahe hai.. aur Jawan Faceboo...

Santa Newspaper padh raha tha. Banta: Koi Nayi khabar hai kya? Santa: Ye kya U.P. ko 4 hisso meinkar diya jayega. Banta: Jis Ghar mein Aurat ki chlti hai yahi hota h...

Ek Aadmi ne Fish pakdi ghar aaya to dekha Na Gas Na Aata Na Bijli Na Oil admi vapas Fish ko nadi me fek aaya. Fish chillai Congress Zinadaba...

Q: Why are pure vegetarian women silent during sex? A: They are in a state of shock that a piece of MEAT can give so much pleasu...

For all my 40+ friends: There's no reason to fear the "Female Menopause"! It's the Eggs that expire and not the Hen! . .. ... Moreover, the Cock still enjo...

Although a tongue weighs very little yet very few women are able to control it. Men have the same problem but with another org...

There are two things men really like women to do in hurry. Dress and Undre...

1st night: Wife: Please, not today. Let's celebrate our honeymoon only after we understand each other. Husband: My 'under' is already 'standing' for y...

A married man keeps wondering every evening: Should I go out and look at what I cannot fuck or stay home and fuck what I cannot look ...

A lady goes to her doctor, complaining that her husband is 300% impotent. The doctor says, "I'm not sure I understand what you mean." She says, "Well, the first 100% you can imagine. In addition, he burnt his tongue and broke his finge...

A couple gets married, and thirty years later they're in the same hotel, in the same room. She takes off all her clothes, lies back on the bed,and spreads her legs. Her husband starts to cry. She says, "What's the matter?" He says, "Thirty years ago, I couldn't wait to eat it. Now it looks like, it can't wait to eat m...

A wise man once said you should treat your woman like a vacuum cleaner. Once she stops sucking, change the fucking b...

Restaurant Advertisement: We serve food as HOT as your neighbour's wife; And beer as COLD as your o...

A lady was having tremendous pain while trying to deliver a baby. The husband prayed to God,"Oh Lord, please make the hole loose for the baby and then tight again for the Daddy...

A man was shaving his beard. His wife was shaving down under. Hubby: Appraisal meeting with the boss for promotion, have to loo good. Wife: Same he...

One day a wife of a hunter found him with his lover. She took a gun and aimed it at her husband's testicles. Hunter: Stop! Don't do that! It's unfair! You don't give me a chance to save! Wife: Ok, sway them to and f...

Bride's dad hands a note to the groom: Goods delivered are not returnable. Groom gave another note back to the father: Contract void if the seal is brok...

I don't resent my son for having a bigger penis than mine. I resent my wife for the fact that it's bla...

A businessman comes homefrom work, and before he can even say anything to his wife, she greets him with a deep, passionate kiss. Then she pulls him into the bedroom, pushes him downon the bed, unzips his fly and shows him a great time. Afterward, he stares fondly at her, then asks, "All right, what did you do to the car this ti...

A husband and a wife were fighting about their sex life. The hubby complains, "You never tell me when you are having an orgasm?" The wife replies, "How can I? You are never her...

An older couple is ready to go to sleep, so the old man lies on the bed but the old woman lies on the floor. The old man asks, "Why are you going to sleep on the floor?" The old woman says,"Because I want to feel something hard for a chang...

What makes a man happy?

Daughter is on the cover of Vogue, son on the cover of Sports Illustrated, mistress on the cover of Playboy and wife on the cover of Missing perso...

Your shoe size can tel your age

Grab a calculator and try dis. Here is how it goes.. 1. Take ur shoe size 2. Multiply by 5 3. Add 50 4. Multiply by 20 5. Add 1013 6. Minus d year u were born. you wil get 4 digits. The first 2 is your shoe size and da last 2 is your age. www.dhurjatikabiraj.blogspot....

Valentine Week's Calendar

• February 7, 2013 : Rose Day • February 8, 2013 : Propose Day • February 9, 2013 : Chocolate Day • February 10, 2013 : Teddy Day • February 11, 2013 : Promise Day • February 12, 2013 : Hug Day • February 13, 2013 : Kiss Day • February 14, 2013 : Valentine Day www.dhurjati...

যদি সিগারেটের নাম '' গু '' হত তাহলে সবাই কি বলত ?

দোকানদারকে কাস্টমারঃ মামা গোল্ডলিফ গু আছে ? অনেকদিন পর বন্ধুর সঙ্গে বন্ধুর দেখা হলেঃ কিরে দোস্ত তুই গু খাস ? আগে না ভালো ছিলি গু খাওয়া ধরলি কবে ? গার্লফ্রেন্ড বয়ফ্রেন্ডকেঃ সেকি কি তুমি আবার গু খেয়ে আমার ঠোঁটে কিস করেছ ? স্ত্রী স্বামীকেঃ হয় গু খাওয়া ছাড়বে না হয় আমাকে ! ল্যাও...

প্রেমে পড়লে ছেলেদের লাইফ স্টাইল

- নিজের যত্ন নেয়া। - সিগারেট ছাড়ার চেষ্টা করা। - গুছিয়ে চলা। - প্রেয়সীকে পাওয়ার জন্য সৃষ্টিকর্তার কাছে দোয়া করা। - আগের তুলনায় নম্র হওয়া। - মিসড কল ব্যাক করা ইত্যাদি ছ্যাঁকা খাওয়ার পরে বুদ্ধিমান ছেলেরা প্রেমিকার পেছনে যে টাকা খরচ করত সেটা দিয়ে ফলফ্রুট খায়, আর বোকারা সেই টাকা...
শিক্ষিকা : লেখো ৫৫। ছাত্রী : কিভাবে মিস? শিক্ষিকা : প্রথমে একটা ৫ লেখো তারপর আরেকটা ৫। ছাত্রী একটা ৫ লিখে থেমে গেল। শিক্ষিকা : কি হল ? ছাত্রী : কোনপাশে লিখব বাঁপাশে নাডানপাশ...

ফেইসবুকীয় কুসংস্কার

1. ফ্রেন্ড রিকোয়েষ্ট পাঠালে মানুষ ছোট হয়ে যায়... 2. মেয়েরা ফ্রেন্ড রিকোয়েষ্ট এক্সেপ্ট করলে ওয়ালে গিয়ে ফরমালিটি রক্ষার্থে Thanks for accepting টাইপের wallpost করতে হয়... 3. কাওকে Follow করা মানে তারFan হয়ে যাওয়া... 4. মেয়েদের স্ট্যাটাসে বেশিবেশি লাইক কমেন্ট করলে মেয়ের নজরে আসা...

Tom and his hot wife were playing golf when the ball suddenly goes inside someone's house..

They enter the house and see a broken bottle and a man. Man: I want to thank you. I am a genie who was trapped for 1000 years in the bottle. I will give you both 1 wish each, and I will keep 1 wish for myself. Tom: I want a billion dollars! Wife: I want a house in every country of the world. ?? Genie: Done. Done. Tom : And what is your wish genie? Genie:...

15 Ways to Keep a Relationship Working...♥

1. Love each other ♥ 2. Don’t lie ♥ 3. Keep communication open ♥ 4. Stay sweet ♥ 5. When you get hurt, focus on forgiving ♥ 6. Never talk about break-ups ♥ 7. Never say ‘it’s ok’ when it’s not ♥ 8. Learn to put your ego aside ♥ 9. If you say ‘sorry,' mean it ♥ 10. Don’t compare your past with your present ♥ 11. Don’t talk about your ex’s ♥ 12. Practice...
In the hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room where their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber. "I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces. "The only hope left for your loved one at this time is abrain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, semi-risky...

If you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?

A Teacher trying to teach good manners.... then asked his students this Question: Michael if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?? Michael:"Just a minute, I have to go pee.." Teacher: That would be rude & impolite.. How about you Sam?? Sam said:"I really need to go...

One Sunday morning William burst into the living room and said..

"Dad! Mom! I have some great news for you! I am getting married to the most beautiful girl in town. She lives a block away and her name is Susan. After dinner, William's dad took him aside. "Son, I have to talk withyou. Your mother and I have beenmarried 30 years. She's a wonderful wife but she has never offered much excitement in the bedroom, so I...

Bob calls in to his job..

"Hey, boss I'm not coming to work today. I'm really sick. I got a headache, stomach ache, and my legs hurt, so I'm not coming into work." The boss says: "You know Bob, I really need you today. When I feel like this I go to my wife, and tell her to give me sex. That makes me feel better, and I can go to work. You should try that." 2 hours later Bob...
