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Female Anatomy Guide

While some guys have been educated in female anatomy and in the practice of pleasing a woman, most guys fumble around like a donkey on ice skates trying to find a way -- any way -- to get her to reach orgasm. Today is your lucky day if you're a part of the latter group because you're going to learn the ins and outs of the female anatomy and how to give her orgasms. So, let's start at the top, shall we?
What is the clitoris?

The clitoris is a small, bud-like formation located where the top of the inner vaginal lips (inner labia) meet. It usually conceals itself under a small hood of skin, but when a woman becomes sexually aroused the clitoris expands and emerges from the female anatomy.

The clitoris is a primary source of erotic stimulation, and most women can achieve a clitoral orgasm more easily than a G-spot orgasm. Believe it or not, the clitoris is the biological equivalent of the male penis. That's right, for the first few months after conception the genitalia of male and female fetuses seem to be identical.

How is the clitoris stimulated?

You will have to start with some gentle and careful experimentation with this delicate piece of female anatomy -- meaning that you shouldn't scratch, grind, bite or squeeze it.

Use your fingers: The idea is to excite your partner. Simply use your clean and nail-trimmed finger(s) to softly rub her clitoris. You will know that you're doing it right when her vaginal area becomes lubricated and her clitoris expands into a firm little bud.

Use your tongue: If you haven't gotten into the cunnilingus program yet, it's high time that you do. Use the tip of your tongue to lightly lick her clitoris and other parts of her vagina if you wish. When you are able to orally please her to the point that she begins to moan and groan with delight, you can get a little more aggressive with your tongue.

Use your penis: Yes, you can use your penis to tease and taunt her until she can't take it anymore. Rub the tip of your penis against her clitoris and watch her writhe with pleasure.

Buy her a little present: If all else fails, and she just can't seem to go over the edge, try a product that will help her reach orgasm quickly. One such product is Vitara, and it is guaranteed to make her orgasm.
female ejaculation
Can women really ejaculate? Believe it or not, many women have ability to ejaculate, but because they either feel like they are about to urinate or they have been belittled by ignorant men who accused them of doing so, they hold back.

It is possible, however, that some women may lose control of their bladders due to extreme sexual stimulation, but ejaculate is something totally different from urine. Actual chemical analysis of the whitish fluid proves that it is quite similar to the fluid produced by the male prostate.

What is female ejaculation?

Female ejaculation is the expulsion of fluid from or around the urethra. Again, the fluid is not urine and is usually followed by an extremely powerful orgasm (yes, even more powerful than ours).

How do I get her to ejaculate?
Constant stimulation of her G-spot will usually help her to achieve this amazing feat. As well, she has to feel comfortable and trust you enough to let loose and give in with complete abandon.

Because many women often experience the urge to ejaculate, but hold back because they fear that urine will come gushing out, you'll have to encourage her to go with the sensation.

The majority of women experience a release of fluid from the Skene's glands during ejaculation. These glands are made from specialized tissue that surround the urethra.

The amount of fluid that is released during ejaculation will vary from woman to woman, which explains why some women seem to gush while others only blush. Again, please keep in mind that not all women have the ability to ejaculate. Even when it comes to women who do have this gift, it's not something that takes place every time they experience orgasm.
vaginal lips
Yes, we've all heard endless jokes about how men have two heads and women have two pairs of lips. The truth is, however, that women have three sets of lips; one up top and two down below.

Although they are commonly referred to as the inner and outer lips, the proper terms for these wonderful tissues of flesh are labia major and labia minor.

What are the labia?
The labia major (the outer lips) cover the vulva (the entire vagina) and protect it from the ugly bacteria of the outside world. Another factoid that might blow you away is that her vagina is much, much cleaner than your mouth. The lips extend from the mons pubis (the area over the pubic bone) to the perineum (the spot between where the lips end and the anus begins).

The labia minor (the inner lips) enclose the urethra and the vagina. During sexual arousal -- which we're hoping will occur often -- the inner lips become engorged with blood.

How do you stimulate those vaginal lips?

How are the labia stimulated?
Use your fingers: While you are using your fingers to stimulate her clitoris, you can vary your cadence to stimulate her inner lips. You also have the option of touching her outer lips, but it's usually the fleshy part that will get her juices flowing freely. Don't be shy with your fingers, massage around the area and judge whether or not she's enjoying it by her vocal reactions (or lack thereof).

Roll your tongue: Obviously, plunging into her inner lips after you've done your duty on her clitoris is great. But jumping onto the outer lips is recommended only if she's trim or shaved. There's nothing like the sound of hearing a partner trying to cough up a pubic hair.

Use your penis: Place your penis between her inner lips and move it up and down. The warm welcoming feeling will arouse the both of you immensely and work you up to go in for the kill.
the elusive g-spot
I can't begin to count the amount of e-mail that I receive from both men and women trying to figure out where the most famed spot on a woman's body is located. You'd think that it was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

While it is true that some experts believe this tantalizing spot to be nothing more than a myth, most believe that it does exist, yet the location of it varies slightly from woman to woman.

What is the G-spot?

The Grafenberg spot is an area on the front wall (toward the tummy) of the vagina, between the opening and the cervix. Theory dictates that the G-spot can be one of two things: a bundle of nerves coming from the clitoris or a gland (or series of glands) that produces lubrication. Don't worry, guys; men also have a G-spot -- the prostate gland.

Now, while all women own a spot with a G, not all of them find G-spot stimulation pleasurable. Just as with the clitoris, some women are more than eager, while others do not like it whatsoever.

How do I find and stimulate the G-spot?
Use your fingers: Insert a finger (or two) into the vagina with your palm facing her mons pubis. Gently bend your fingers toward her belly button until you feel an area of flesh that is rough.

So what are you looking for in there?

Now keep in mind that your woman may find this extremely pleasurable or the extreme opposite. If you continue to stroke this spot with varying degrees of pressure, it is quite possible that you'll be hitting the jackpot soon enough.

Use your penis: If she's lying on her back (missionary), it's unlikely that the penis will hit the front wall and thus will not yield the big orgasm, unless of course the angle of your erect member curves upward.

For the rest of you, you'll have a much better chance of hitting her G-spot if you put her legs over your shoulders while penetrating her. You can also achieve contact with the G-spot in the spoon position, in the doggy-style position or by making her knees and shoulders meet .

The objective of G-spot stimulation is to have her genitals higher than the other parts of her body. Again, keep in mind that all women are different -- while your ex may have been an ejaculating G-spot Olympian, your current girlfriend may not be. Don't keep exploring with your fingers until you get carpal tunnel syndrome.
all that matters
OK, so perhaps you didn't get all the nitty-gritty fallopian explanations, but you sure did learn a thing or two about her waterworks and how to satisfy her more adequately. Remember: Keep sex fun and always make her feel like a woman, not a biology experiment.

What's important to remember is that there are all kinds of variations of orgasms, including rare vaginal ones that don't require G-spot or clitoral stimulation. What works for her, what feels good and what's satisfying at any given moment is what really counts.

With time, you will get to know and understand what your woman likes and the two of you will start delving into the wide world of sexual sports.

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