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Legendary Nokia phones: A reminiscence

Microsoft dreamt of putting a computer on every desk; Nokia dreamt of putting a mobile phone in every pocket. Among the pioneers and leaders in their segment, each has gone a long way; and now they have decided to join hands. Nokia's legendary handset business that ruled the world for an unquestioned 14 years from 1998 now dissolves into Microsoft. Here is a glimpse of the much lauded handsets from the house of Nokia.

A little history: The non-Telecom Nokia  

The seeds of Nokia Corporation was sown in a rubber products company founded in 1865. It worked in many industries with lots of ups and downs and finally decided to focus on telecommunications industry. The company has even had the trauma of one of its CEO's committing suicide, supposedly owing to bad business.
A little history: The non-Telecom Nokia

In the early eighties, about the same time as the first IBM PC Nokia's computer division Nokia Data produced a series of personal computers called MikroMikko. MikroMikko 1, was released on 29 September 1981. However, the PC division was sold out and became part of ICL, and later Fujitsu. Nokia re-entered the PC market in August 2009 with the introduction of the Nokia Booklet 3G mini laptop.

Nokia was also known for very high quality CRT and TFT LCD displays. This business was sold to ViewSonic in 2000. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the corporation ran into serious financial problems, mostly owing to businesses that were too diverse. These problems probably contributed to the company's CEO Kairamo taking his own life in 1988.

Nokia 1011 manufactured in 1992 is the first popular GSM phone. 1011 is its launch date, 10 November.

The celebrated ringtone Nokia tune was introduced in 1994 with the 2100 series of handsets. 



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