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Mightest Animal

A lion woke up one morning with the urge to inflict his superiority on his fellow beasts. So he strode over to a monkey and roared: "Who is the mightiest animal in the jungle?"

"You are, Master," said the monkey, quivering.

Then the lion came across a warthog.

"Who is the mightiest animal in the jungle?" roared the lion.

"You are, Master," said the warthog, shaking with fear.

Next the lion met an elephant.

"Who is the mightiest animal in the jungle?" roared the lion.

The elephant grabbed the lion with his trunk, slammed him against a tree half a dozen times, dropped him like a stone and ambled off.

"All right," shouted the lion. "There's no need to turn nasty just because you don't know the answer."

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