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Arranged Marriage: What to Ask a Girl in the First Meeting

Getting married is an amusing feeling, but these feelings are multiplied when you have to meet a girl from the perspective of getting married. Although it is a difficult task, yet it is best to know what all a guy should and should not ask a girl. Well, last thing you would want is a stranger rolling out in laughter at your questions (or worse, get beaten up!). So, here are some questions that guys should ask to get to know the girl better before marriage.

Ice breaker questions

Always remember that just like you even the girl maybe nervous about this meeting. So, your best approach should be to start with questions that are general and can help you break the ice. Ask her what her name means, her hobbies, her favourite cuisine, etc. If you feel that the girl is shy, then begin the conversation by talking about yourself and then get her involved in the course.

Show interest in career and education goals

A girl feels comfortable when she knows that her prospective partner is interested in her career. Instead of blabbing about your career goals and job, do find time to ask about her future plans as well. It will make her feel good about this match, as well. Let her know that you are interested in her future goals, in terms of her education and career.

Her marriage expectations

A girl would always like it if a guy asks her views on marriage and expectations related to it. So, if you are meeting a girl for the first time, ask her take on the institution of marriage. This is an important question as it will help you understand her thought process better.

Ask about duties towards her parents

Maybe this question is a big thing to ask, but it will certainly clear many doubts you might have. It will help you to understand, if she has any financial responsibilities towards her parents, which she would like to fulfil even after marriage, just like you.

Ask about her lifestyle

Find out about her social life, her favourite pastime and her other interests. This way you can get to know whether she is an extrovert or an introvert. Such small details can actually help you in deciphering whether she is 'your kind of a girl or not'! Do not go overboard with too many questions as she is not a 'candidate' whom you are 'interviewing' for your wife’s position. You are looking for a life partner who should be compatible with you and your family.

Ask about her choice of clothing

This question is not too important, but at times it becomes quite relevant. If your family is traditional or conservative and the girl loves western wear, then it might be a little difficult for her and your family to gel well. But, keep an open mind, as either you or the girl might be able to compromise on these things.

Now, some funny questions that you should stay away from

The best way to win 'this war' is to equip yourself beforehand. So, here is a list of questions that our women readers have labelled as ‘disastrous’ for the first meeting. So, guys learn your lessons well.
  • Are you a virgin? (You naughty-naughty boy!)
  • How many boyfriends did you have? (You are definitely not the next one, so keep mum!)
  • What is your blood group? (Are you looking for a wife or seeking a bone marrow transplant!)
  • How many facebook friends do you have? (She is definitely not going to add you, believe us!)
  • When do you have your monthly cycle? (Be ready to be kicked out!)
  • How many kids do you want? (Remember, she has not yet said yes to you!)
  • How much do you earn and how much property have your parents put in your name? (Excuse us, are you an income tax officer?)
  • Do you take a bath every day? (Huh!)
A marriage proposal can turn into a great success when sensitively handled, which includes the first meeting and the questions associated with it. Well-framed questions can make the entire phase of arranged marriage a cakewalk.

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