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Match Kundali before Married

Match Kundali before Married
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Marriages in India are largely based on Kundali Milan (horoscope matching). It is considered as a crucial step before the final commitment to the prospective bride and groom. Although, not many believe in this horoscope matching ritual. But those who do, will not get their daughter or son married without matching the ‘gunas’ with their prospective partners. Read on to know the reasons behind this kundali matching custom.

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Marriage, in Hinduism is considered to be a sacred union which the couple should not only abide by in this life but for the next seven successive lives too. Horoscope basically reflects the planet positions of a person and their effects on his/her life.
According to Shastras, nature considers man and women as single identity post marriage. As a result one spouse’s destiny, luck and fate influences the other. It can either create wonders or lead to a bad relationship. This is why kundali milan plays a vital role in decoding the marriage compatibility of two people.

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‘Guna’ or ‘Ashtakoot’ is one of the major parameters taken into consideration while matching a kundali.  Altogether, there are eight gunas which are taken into consideration to test the amity between two people. Each guna has different numeric points which when added, sum up to a total of 36. The marriage is acceptable if two kundalis match with 18 or more points. Higher score means better compatibility.

Criteria for Guna matching:
  • arna – Matching of the castes
  • Vashya – Attraction
  • Tara – Longevity 
  • Yoni – Nature and characteristics
  • Graha Maitri – Natural friendship
  • Gan – Mental Compatibility
  • Bhakoot – Relative influence of one on the other
  • Nadi – Possibility of child birth 
Both the partners' mindset, behavior, temper, interest and aptitude are predicted through kundali Milan. This ensures a happy marriage. Also, the level of physical attraction is tested since marriage cannot survive if there is no feeling of desirability for each other. Moreover, the health condition of to-be bride and groom is also a point to be considered.

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Financial stability is one thing which every parent looks into. What will be the job prospective in the near future; chances of promotions are analysed through kundali. Besides this, the other thing that is tallied is the adjustment parameter. Whether the girl and the boy can adjust with each other and their respective families or not, whether they can adapt to changing situations or not are part of the matching ritual.

Kundali milan is done to ensure that the newlyweds live a ‘happily ever after’ married life. 
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