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5 Awesome Beauty Boosting Fruits

We are all aware just how beneficial fruits can be when added to our daily diet. Apart from having various health benefits and being a great source of essential vitamins, certain fruits have beauty boosting elements in them as well. So, here are the five super fruits you should be eating for bright, soft and healthy skin.


Believe it or not, apples can actually protect your skin from sun damage, especially from the UVB rays. Now this might not be a worry at the front of your mind right now, but eating an apple a day can help protect skin from damage that will show later on in life. The skin of an apple contains a powerful antioxidant called Quercetin; this protects your skin in the bright light. So, next time when it is sunny, eat an apple with your breakfast before stepping outside.

Tip: While apples are a great way to minimise damage on your skin, but don't
forget to put on a good sunscreen also!


With winter fast approaching the cold weather can really affect us. The icy chill makes skin dry and sometimes sore. Blueberries help to keep your skin soft and supple. This fruit is one of the biggest sources of antioxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals that damage our skin. Blueberries reduce skin cell damage and disintegration, making you look younger and brighter.

Tip: Mix a handful of blueberries and a mango to make an excellent smoothie for a beautiful skin.


You have probably seen someone pop a slice of lemon into hot water first thing in the morning and always wondered why? It is not because it tastes great (although it is refreshing), but because lemon is great for your skin and your immune system. Lemon is an anti-inflammatory and flushes out toxins from both your body and your skin.

Tip: Swap your morning coffee (which can actually dehydrate you) for a toxin fighting cup of hot water and lemon.


Eating a grapefruit for breakfast is a great way to start the day. Being high in fibre it makes you feel satiated for a longer time. It is also excellent at helping your skin renew and regenerate on its own. Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants that help produce collagen. If your skin has been feeling dry and a little thin lately, add a grapefruit to your daily diet and your skin will soon look brighter and plumper than ever before!

Tip: Try using a gentle face scrub in the morning every day, this would assist in all the hard work that the grapefruit is doing from inside. This will remove dry skin cells and reveal softer skin.


Strawberries have amazing skin boosting properties. If you suffer from skin problems such as dryness, blemishes or wrinkles, try adding one cup of strawberries to your daily diet. Within a matter of weeks you will start to see the difference. Why? Because one cup of strawberries contain 130% of the DV of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps you to produce more collagen, which keeps your skin smooth and hydrated.


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