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Romantic Love Lessons from Bade Achche Lagte Hai

Popular TV show ‘Bade Acche Lagte Hain’ has completed 500 episodes on Wednesday, October 16. This onscreen love-saga starring Ram Kapoor and Sakshi Tanwar, as lead actors, started in May 2011.
The story revolves around two people, a 40-plus businessman and a 30-plus woman, who are brought together by an arranged marriage. The two in spite of having different personalities discover love in each other after marriage.
Every good story be it real or reel, teaches us something. Ever wondered what this serial can teach us? Well, here is a list of love lessons that we can learn from this mature love story:

Love holds no age bar!

At an age when most of the Indian men and women prepare for their mid-life crisis, Ram and Priya of Bade Achche Lagte Hain, experience the magic of falling in love. On the one hand, the serial is breaking all the stereotypes related to love, romance and marriage. On the other, it is reinforcing the importance of trust and companionship in a marital relationship. And yes, the concept of opposites attract! Their relationship is shown like Tom and Jerry. They tease each other, knock down each other, irritate each other, but cannot live without each other.

Trust is the foundation of love

You need to trust the person you love, no matter what people say. Pay heed to rumours and the love goes for a toss. Every relationship has its shares of trials and tribulations. The key is to stand up for each other and face the music.

Looks don’t matter when there is passionate love

The two characters of this serial, are shown to be not just opposites in terms of personality, but their social status as well. Ram Kapoor is portrayed as an overweight guy with an equally big fat bank balance, which clearly implies he could have got any girl falling for him (read: his money).
On the other hand, Priya is middle class 'Plain Jane' with high ideals in life. She is certainly not a drop-dead gorgeous beauty with whom men fall in love at first sight. But, what happens when one such unlikely pair gets married? Their journey from marriage to falling in love is shown beautifully to the audience through their story. The show portays how beautiful, mad and passionate love can be! The two characters love each other for what they are, they stand for each other as a shield, and that is what really matters at the end of the day.

Ingredients of a successful marriage

A successful marriage depends on the little gestures of love, done consciously or unconsciously. Whether it is about cooking his favourite food or fulfilling her most childlike wishes. These acts of love make us feel truly blessed.
Love is not about buying expensive gifts but about expressing it in the most delightful ways. Truly, the serial did manage to touch many of the real wedding vows- ‘for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us apart!'
The story of this serial is based on the Hindi novel 'Patrani' by Imtiaz Patel, which is about the story of two unmarried strangers.


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