Lips are one of the most basic features that define your face and expressions. Your lips give the ultimate appeal to your face. But, if lips are such an important part of your overall charm then why do you pay such little attention on their care? Without proper care your lips can become dark and dull. To get a natural pink colour on your lips, it is very important to follow a proper lip care regime regularly. So, here are few effective tips that will help you get that natural pink colour.

Scrubbing your lips is one of the best natural remedies for getting pink lips without spending on expensive cosmetics. At night, before you hit the bed, use a soft toothbrush to scrub your lips. This will not only help to remove the dry chapped skin from the lips but will also keep your lips soft.
Massage the lips
Massaging your lips every day is a very good habit that helps in lighten dark lips, in a short span of time. Make a lip balm out of almond oil and lemon juice, and massage your lips with that every night for a few minutes before going to bed.
Oiling the belly button
Here is an age-old home remedy of keeping your lips naturally pink and healthy. Apply a few drops of desi ghee or mustard oil in your belly button (navel), before going to sleep. Those who have dry, chapped, or dark lips will see visibly effective results if they follow this natural tip, regularly.
Moisturise your lips
It is very important to keep your lips hydrated and moisturised at all times. Dry and chapped lips look shabby and unkempt. When you are going out during the day, it is essential to apply some sun protection or petroleum jelly on your lips. If you are indoors then use some cocoa butter, which is an effective natural remedy for getting pink lips.
Magic of pomegranate seeds
Crush the seeds of pomegranates and blend it well with milk cream. Now, apply it on your lips. This is one of the best homemade remedies for lightening dark lips. However, since it is a natural remedy, the change in the colour of your lips will not be overnight but gradual. So, be patient.
Stay hydrated
For beautiful and naturally pink lips, it is very important that you always keep your body hydrated. It is best to increase your water intake and include a lot of fresh fruit juices in your diet as it would keep your lips healthy and soft.
One thing that most people tend to do when they feel their lips are getting dry and chapped is to lick them. Before you plan to do the same, it is best to hold that tongue back in your mouth because you are just going to make it worse for your lips. Avoid the temptation of licking your lips as it would just leave your lips more dry and dull.
Quit smoking
Smoking is one of the major reasons why your lips become dark and dull. Naturally, one of the homemade remedies for lightening dark lips also includes finding a motivation for quitting smoking. Besides, if you quit smoking, you will also be enjoying in terms of other health benefits as well, such as a longer life and healthy lungs. So, where is the harm, we say?
So, use these beauty tips to get those naturally pink lips and show off that pout proudly!