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7 Best Tricks to Look Slimmer in Photos

Looking great in pictures is every girl’s desire. The appearance of a bloated face, a double chin, body flab etc. in pictures is a big disappointment. But there are ways by which these flaws can be camouflaged. Read on to know the 7 tricks to look slimmer in photos.

The way you stand
Never ever make the mistake of standing straight in front of the camera while being clicked. Whatever your body type may be you will always look fuller if you do so. Instead, stand a little tilted, sideways to be precise. Place your hand on your hips and tilt your torso backward for a leaner frame. Pose as if you are doing so for the red carpet. Also, never hunch while posing for a picture. Always sit upright or stand with your shoulders rolled back. Such a posture will also make you look taller.

Fat arms
If you have fat arms and do not want them to show in your pictures then never let them press against your body. If you do so, they will spread more and look even bulkier. Placing your hand away from your body (on your hips for example) will do the trick.

Clothes say a lot!
Clothing also makes a lot of difference while being clicked. If you are wearing something lose, always press your hands over the lose part of the outfit so that it does not bloat in the pictures.
On the other hand if you are wearing something very tight or a body fit outfit, try to breath in and hold your breath for a few seconds till the picture has been taken. Doing so will eliminate most of the flab in the pictures.

Group shots
When you are getting a picture clicked in a group and want to look the slimmest, always stand one step back from where the others are standing. Those who are closer to the camera lens ought to look bigger in pictures. So automatically, you look slimmer.

 Hide that chin
If you have a slight double chin and want to avoid it from appearing in your photographs then you must always look straight up.
Never let your face sag down. Keep it firm and lifted.

Tummy tale 
If you have fat on and around your tummy area, use some prop to hide it. For example, tummy flab can be hidden by carrying a huge dump bag or a double chin can be made invisible by wearing a beautiful scarf.

Say 'No' to Cheese 
The first thing that catches everyone’s attention in a picture is the face and the smile of a person. Never say anything while being clicked. For example, saying cheese while getting a picture taken makes your face look fatter. Keep your smile sweet, simple and natural


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