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Big Boobs vs. Little Boobs

유 Women with Big Boobs... ▷
✔can get a taxi on the worst days
✔have men give them the best seats
on a bus.
✔have a neat place to carry spare
✔have always been the center of
the arts (art)
✔make jogging a spectator sport
✔can keep a magazine dry while
laying in the tub
✔have more negotiating power
(with men shorter than them)
✔usually can find leftover popcorn
after a movie
✔can always carry a little extra
✔always float better
✔know where to look first for lost
✔rarely lack for a slow dance
✔have a place to set their glasses
when sitting in an armless recliner
✔never have to buy a car with
웃 Women with Little Boobs... ▹
✔don't cause a traffic accident
every time they bend over in public
✔always look younger
✔find that dribbled food makes it
to the napkin on their lap
✔can always see their toes and
✔can sleep on their stomachs
✔have no trouble sliding behind the
wheel of small cars
✔know that people can read the
entire message on their T-shirts
✔know that everything more than a
handful is wasted
✔can come late to a theater and not
disrupt an entire aisle
✔can take aerobic class without
running the risk of knocking
themselves out
✔never be accused of having

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