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Height of Misunderstanding...

A Canadian guy, American guy, a ugly woman and gorgeous woman are sitting in opposing seats on a train. After some initial introductions of where they're from and where they're going, they settle in to do their own thing and basically ignore each other.
Some time later, the train enters a tunel and all goes black, then suddenly they hear a big slap. As the train exits the tunnel there's the American with the side of his face all red wearing a look of shock.
In the mind of the ugly woman,"That American tried to grope the gorgeous girl and she slapped him!"
In the mind of the gorgeous woman, "That American tried to grope me, but got the ugly woman instead and she slapped him!"
In the mind of the American, "ThatCanadian tried to grope the gorgeous woman and she tried toslap him but got me instead!"
In the mind of the Canadian, "I hope we go through another tunnel so I can slap that American again"

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