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They were walking by and saw a sign for a helicopter tour

The man turns to his wife and says,"What do you think, honey? Want to give it a try? It's only fifteen dollars" "I don't think so, dear." She replies. "We just got married and don't have a whole lot of money and fifteen dollars is fifteen dollars."
the same couple after decades later the couple returns the mountains, and again pass the sign for a helicopter tour. The man turns to his wife and says,"What do you think honey? Want to give it a try? It's only fifteen dollars?" "I don't think so, dear." She replied. "We've got two children in college, money is tight and fifteen dollars is fifteen dollars."
More decades pass and the coupleare now elderly and visiting the mountains again for their anniversary and again pass the sign for a helicopter tour. The man turns to his wife and says,"What do you think, honey? Want to give it a try? It's only fifteen dollars." "I don't think so, dear." She replies. "We're living on social security now, so money is tight and fifteen dollars is fifteen dollars."
The owner of the tours overhears their conversation and says, "I tell ya what. I'll let you go for free, butif you make any kind of sound, you've gotta pay full price." So they go and the pilot does all he can to make the couple make some kind of sound, turning the helicopter this way and that but he never hears a sound.
After they land he said to the husband, "I tried everything I could to get you guys to make some kind of sound, but you didn't and so the ride was free." The man replies, "Well, I thought about saying something when Mildred fell out but fifteen dollars is fifteen dollars."

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