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She was sent an errand by her mother to buy foodstuff from the market, on her way to the market, A certain group of hefty men kidnap her for money ritual. On their way to the place where they will use her for money ritual, she was praying with psalm 121 inside her mind, immediately after the prayer, the car they were inside in lost control and somersaulted into a thick forest, the four hefty men inside the car died instantly, except Chimamanda, the car damaged beyond repair, few minutes later the rescue team came to the spot of the accident, and bring out Chimamanda from the damaged car without no Scratch on her body, nothing happen to her. Therefore,i decree upon your life, that no evil plans of the enemy shall work over your life, i declare you Untouchable by their evil plans, The lord shall answer your prayers in any time of trouble and deliver you in GOD name ..

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